
Step into service design with our library of short articles, where we discuss the value and art of creating exceptional customer experiences.


5 Ways a company can benefit from a service blueprint

This is the final blog in a the Service Design series, where we explore 5 key tools in the Service Designers Toolkit – Customer Personas, Customer... Read more

How voice-enabled services are offering a brighter future for healthcare

For healthcare providers, the COVID-19 pandemic added an extra layer of complexity to their service provision. Not only did the sector have to deal... Read more

You can't buy passenger experience

The airport experience. For some, it conjures images of long queues, confusing signs, and mounting stress. But what if airports transformed from... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Diagnosis

Is it time to move away from the rushed, human doctor diagnosis to a data and tech supported diagnosis? How might we balance doctor’s expertise and... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Treatment

Imagine the improved quality of life, with the cohesive integration of key stakeholders working together in sync and an integrated system that works... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Pre-diagnosis

Even the healthiest person catches the flu from time to time. Traditionally we then book an appointment to see a human doctor, meet them once and... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Staying healthy

We shouldn’t have to lose loved ones or suffer pain that could have been avoided. As a society, we have the expertise, technology, and data to make... Read more

The future of healthcare – Post Covid-19

Is it time to move from a linear and reactive healthcare experience to a circular and proactive healthcare journey? As we go about our day,... Read more

What is Service Design and why?

Service design is a creative and collaborative practice that determines precisely how an existing service should be improved or how a new technology... Read more

Necessity is the mother of invention

We’ve seen some great examples of organisations that have responded well to changing markets and have been able to pivot or extend existing... Read more

Designing for multiple possible scenarios

As we phase in and out of lockdowns and transition to a more pandemic-proof society and economy, these coming months will see governments and... Read more

Designing with Pandemic Personas

Using Pandemic Personas as part of your COVID CX response toolkit. Read more

Designing with Pandemic Personas

Using Pandemic Personas as part of your COVID CX response toolkit. Read more

Designing for multiple possible scenarios

As we phase in and out of lockdowns and transition to a more pandemic-proof society and economy, these coming months will see governments and... Read more

Necessity is the mother of invention

We’ve seen some great examples of organisations that have responded well to changing markets and have been able to pivot or extend existing... Read more

What is Service Design and why?

Service design is a creative and collaborative practice that determines precisely how an existing service should be improved or how a new technology... Read more

The future of healthcare – Post Covid-19

Is it time to move from a linear and reactive healthcare experience to a circular and proactive healthcare journey? As we go about our day,... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Staying healthy

We shouldn’t have to lose loved ones or suffer pain that could have been avoided. As a society, we have the expertise, technology, and data to make... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Pre-diagnosis

Even the healthiest person catches the flu from time to time. Traditionally we then book an appointment to see a human doctor, meet them once and... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Treatment

Imagine the improved quality of life, with the cohesive integration of key stakeholders working together in sync and an integrated system that works... Read more

The patient experience reimagined: Diagnosis

Is it time to move away from the rushed, human doctor diagnosis to a data and tech supported diagnosis? How might we balance doctor’s expertise and... Read more

How voice-enabled services are offering a brighter future for healthcare

For healthcare providers, the COVID-19 pandemic added an extra layer of complexity to their service provision. Not only did the sector have to deal... Read more

5 Ways a company can benefit from a service blueprint

This is the final blog in a the Service Design series, where we explore 5 key tools in the Service Designers Toolkit – Customer Personas, Customer... Read more

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