Book: Customer-Driven Transformation Published July 2018

Book: Customer-Driven Transformation Published July 2018 Image
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Engine’s new book Customer-Driven Transformation is due to be published worldwide on Tuesday 3rd July (Saturday 28th July 2018 in the United States) by Kogan Page.

Written by Joe Heapy, Oliver King and James Samperi, Customer-Driven Transformation shows you how to use a design-led approach as a driver for organisational change, translating your vision into compelling services that will delight customers.

With this book, we show you how to instil an outside-in approach to business strategy; moving away from management that's technology, marketing or resource optimisation-led, to one that is customer-inspired and experimental with innovation. Customer-Driven Transformation is a practical guide to leading a transformational programme within businesses using design thinking to change how services are created and ensuring everything is beautifully designed, elegant in use and brilliant in customer mindedness.

With contributions from leaders who have used design thinking to lead change in businesses like E.ON Energy, Bupa, Dubai Airports and the Hyundai Motor Company, Customer-Driven Transformation will give you the language and tools to take control of the design of the services you operate and customer experience and in doing so change your organisation.

Customer-Driven Transformation: How design-led companies get the right services to market is available now to pre-order from Kogan Page.

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