Engine Service Design Webinars

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Thanks to all who attended the first webinar in our Leading out of Lockdown series, where Engine Founder, Oliver King (London) and Managing Director, James Samperi (Dubai) set out the steps to take to identify, prioritise and tackle the experience challenges you'll face in the coming months.

Look out for news of more in this series of webinars over the coming weeks.

Engine’s Six-Step Methodology to Building Effective Customer Personas

Understanding the Heart of Your Customers At Engine, our 20 years of experience in designing...

Service design sprints online

With so many of us working from different locations right now, firing-up people and projects can...

Turn your passenger experience back on

The travel and aviation sector have been more affected than most and restarting operations...

Engine Customer Experience Report 2019

Engine’s Annual Customer Experience Report is now in its 6th year. Over that period we’ve been...

Book time with a service design expert.

Discover the transformative power of service design and unlock the full potential of your business. Get in touch with our service design experts today and start improving or innovating your services and customer experience.

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