Engine co-founds SDN Middle Eastern Gulf chapter

Engine co-founds SDN Middle Eastern Gulf chapter Image
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Engine, in partnership with Hued, Inspiring Experience and EY-Seren in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has become a founding member of the Middle Eastern Gulf chapter of the Service Design Network (SDN).

Named the 'Gulf Co-operation Council' (GCC), the group hosted a preview event for the design community on 23rd July in downtown Dubai. The showcase, co-facilitated by Engine and EY-Seren, ran in conjunction with events in Jeddah and Riyadh to incorporate all parts of the GCC chapter.

Attendees represented a broad range of individuals from across creative industries in the region. Participants were invited to take part in and ideate around four main themes:

  • Awareness of service design and engagement with the Dubai community.
  • Building the community of service design professionals in Dubai.
  • Social engagement and democratization of service design in Dubai.
  • Integration of service design with the UAE national transformation agendas.

The fully-attended preview event brought together the design community in a positive and collaborative atmosphere to build anticipation ahead of the official launch of the SDN GCC chapter scheduled to take place in September.

Follow SDNGCC on Twitter for further updates

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