Designing for multiple possible scenarios

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As we phase in and out of lockdowns and transition to a more pandemic-proof society and economy, these coming months will see governments and businesses experiment with new guidance and operating procedures.

In such volatile trading conditions, organisations need to design for multiple possible scenarios to minimise disruption for customers and colleagues when operating environments change.

For any complex business operating at scale, making improvements to services and the experience for customers is a continual effort. Right now, this effort is compounded by uncertainty. It's not clear just how fluctuating Covid cases will shape government guidance or how differently consumers will behave.

Businesses need to prepare responses to several potential operating environments, changes of tack and phases of unlocking or relocking.

Some problems you may be trying to solve for your business:

  • How do we design for the best possible service and experience at a time when government guidance and commercial objectives remain in flux?
  • Given we're faced with a number of possible operating environments and unpredictable competitive plays, how do we run ahead to imagine and prepare more than one response for our customers?
  • How do we make the phased stages of unlocking and relocking our services feel more coherent for customers and colleagues?
  • How do we work together across functions to develop a clear picture of how different operating models and procedures should play out for customers?
  • How do we need to organise ourselves to deliver a Covid-proofing CX programme going forwards, if this situation remains for longer that we’d hoped?
  • How do we ensure what we're doing remains customer-driven?

Let's help you get a plan to:

To design for several possible scenarios and phases of unlocking or relocking so the right customer experience plan can be implemented quickly, saving time and reducing impact on sales.

What this will deliver:

  • The ability to get ahead and respond quickly with the right target design and delivery plan to minimise disruption for customers and to revenue.
  • Imagining and visualising the service and experience for several likely operating environments will equip your business to respond quickly when the situation changes, allowing for more considered procurement and reducing the interruption to revenue.
  • A solution for customers that's be designed carefully and not reactively avoids the hit to customer satisfaction and preference scores.
  • A cross-functional team able to implement one or several plans coherently, will save time and resources.

How Engine can help:

  • We're creative, which means we run ahead and explore possibilities presented by one or more probable futures.
  • We're great at getting to grips quickly with industry and operating models and designing solutions for customers that can also be implemented.
  • We're great at grounding customer and business requirements in concrete designs for services and customer experiences.
  • We visualise and prototype new services and experiences quickly so that businesses can evaluate and cost them before making the decision to build them and committing resources.
  • We've delivered projects just like this with leading brands in travel and transport, retail and B2B service delivery, amongst others.

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