Service design sprints online

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With so many of us working from different locations right now, firing-up people and projects can feel daunting.

That’s why, for the time being, we’ve moved service design online. We’re already delivering projects 100% online and have had great feedback. We've put our favourite design tools and inspiration resources into visual online workshops. We can help you help your teams keep working.

Restart with impact

  • We'll help you take a fresh look at your end-to-end customer journey and assess the implications of Covid-19 for your customers.
  • We'll help you design what's needed to reopen for business, so your customers feel welcomed and safe as they return.
  • We'll help you set out an action plan to restart your service as customers and colleagues return.

We'll advise and work with you on a restart plan so each area of your operation, marketing and commercial teams are aligned and able to move quickly.

Find out if the Restart design sprint is for you.

Reconfigure together

  • We’ll help you look again at your customers to understand the ways their needs and expectations have changed, and develop creative and practical responses for your business.
  • We’ll help you design-in new procedures and processes to ensure customers and frontline colleagues continue to have a positive experience.
  • We'll help you develop an action plan to support you to reconfigure your service.

We'll lead with your team to develop a blueprint for your service outlining what's needed to reconfigure your service through phases of unlocking towards a new normal.

Find out if the Reconfigure design sprint is for you.

Reimagine at speed

  • We'll help you take a commercial opportunity you've already spotted to create a compelling service and experience.
  • We'll help you look creatively at your business's capabilities, fixed assets and resources to imagine new lines of business and innovative service models.
  • We'll help you envision a more pandemic-proof version of your business and services, and convince others it's the future.

We’ll provide you with a vision for your service, describing and visualising the spirit and building blocks of the transformation you’re setting out to create.

Find out if the Reimagine design sprint is for you.


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Five design principles for a changed world

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The automotive industry is no different to any other when it comes to online and in person...

Engine Customer Experience Report 2019

Engine’s Annual Customer Experience Report is now in its 6th year. Over that period we’ve been...

Book time with a service design expert.

Discover the transformative power of service design and unlock the full potential of your business. Get in touch with our service design experts today and start improving or innovating your services and customer experience.

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Learn about the benefits of connected service design