Engine Annual Customer Experience Report 2018

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The results are in.

For the fifth consecutive year, Engine reveals the results of its annual survey to investigate what consumers believe are the qualities of great service.

The results reveal what's important to customers and the areas that businesses should be focusing on, the way services make customers feel, the sectors that provide the best and worst customer service and which brands are delivering great service.

Over 1,000 consumers were asked the following questions:

  1. What’s most important to you in the way a company provides or delivers its service and customer experience?
  2. When you interact with a brand/company, how would you like the experience to make you feel?
  3. Brands from which sectors provide the best service and customer experience?
  4. Which specific brands stand out as providing the best service and customer experience?
  5. Brands from which sectors provide the worst service and customer experience?
  6. In which sectors do the quality of service and customer experience you receive from companies matter most when choosing a provider?
  7. What would make you most likely to recommend a service to a friend – Price, Quality of Service or Convenience?
  8. In general, on a scale of 1-10, do you think the service and customer experience you receive from companies is keeping pace with your needs and expectations?
  9. What do you think that businesses should prioritise in order to improve service or customer experience?

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