Driving joined-up retail for the future of automotive

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It's time for service innovation in the automotive industry

The automotive industry is at a pivotal point as it tries to understand and envision the role of dealerships, digital and the retail model of the future.

With customers’ expectations ever-increasing and new technology making more and more possible every day, there’s unprecedented complexity for manufacturers and network operators as they try to decide where to best focus finite budgets and resources.

Engine’s Client Services Director, Paddy Whiteway shares his thoughts on the subject with Automotive Management Online.

“Both in and out of the industry, innovators and disrupters are demonstrating new ways to stitch together more joined-up online, human and physical services and experiences in response to emerging trends and preferences, but also in response to customer frustrations with the established automotive norm.

There’s a lot going on in the car industry right now and it seems time that the perpetual advances in product technology are matched by equally ambitious innovations in service delivery.”

Read the full article here.

The evolution of service design: Present & future

Originally published in New Design Magazine, Issue 90, June 2011

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