Reconfigure your service together

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Your customers have changed. The rules have changed. Now your service needs to change. How are you going to remobilise your teams to redesign and reconfigure your service?

Do you recognise any of these challenges?

  • How do I refocus my team and others around a reconfigured target customer experience?
  • We’ve invested in people and technology so we can provide excellent service and experience for our customers. How do we avoid undoing all this good work as we reconfigure our commercial and operating models?
  • Do we need to redesign systems and processes? If so, how do we do so in a way that continues to deliver an exceptional experience?
  • If we invest in new channels to minimise contact between people, how do we design an experience that feels right for customers?
  • We have to work with our partners differently. How can we lead within our business ecosystem so that we all benefit?
  • How do we assess projects and programmes that were in play or in the plan before lock-down to ensure we don't lose the value they were set-up to create?
  • Given we're faced with several possible operating environments and unpredictable competitive plays, how do we run ahead to evaluate what each means to our customers?
  • How do we create a ‘pandemic proof’ vision for our services so that we can push new objectives and requirements into the projects and programmes we’re taking forward?

Why you need to act

  • Your trading environment has changed, and new operational requirements and constraints have become necessary. You can’t deliver the same service in the same way.
  • You need to restore and regrow revenue.
  • You need to reduce costs but avoid taking a negative hit from customers and your crucial frontline.
  • Your delivery and supply chain partners are affected too. Minimise the impact of their challenges on your business by adopting the role of ecosystem leader to ensure you all prosper.

    Business tools

    We've developed a set of practical tools to help you work through your businesses needs and priorities - be those of today or tomorrow. We'll guide you through dynamic and collaborative sessions supported by our creative team to develop ways you can actively respond to challenges and create new opportunities.

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